In Washington State, assault charges can range in seriousness and may be considered a felony or a misdemeanor. Regardless of where you are on the scale, being charged with any kind of assault is a trying and emotional experience, especially in the initial stages when the process may be unknown and you’re in need of counsel.
Our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys at Verity Criminal Defense believe everyone deserves thorough, unbiased, and trustworthy representation. Dedicated to serving the Greater Puget Sound, Verity Criminal Defense is here to ensure you are treated fairly throughout the entire legal process. Contact us so we can start working together on your defense today.
Degrees of Assault Severity & Associated Charges
Fourth Degree is considered a misdemeanor as well as the least severe
First, Second, and Third Degree assaults are felonies with first degree as the most severe
The context of the assault is essential for further classification, understanding the potential outcomes, and planning your defense. For instance, depending on your relationship to the other person involved in the altercation, assault can fall under the category of Domestic Violence.
Battery is often referenced in conjunction with assault. However, there is a distinction between the two and you can be charged with assault without being charged with battery as well. Generally, assault is considered an attempt to injure or threaten someone, while battery requires physical contact intended to harm another person. The main difference between the two is that physical contact is not necessary to constitute an assault.
Penalties for Assault in Washington State
Penalties for being convicted of an assault charge can vary depending on the degree and number of any prior felonies on your record. Washington State uses the "three strikes" policy, which imposes harsher penalties for those who have been convicted of three serious felony crimes (more so than the typical penalty for each felony individually). Therefore, if you have prior convictions, the end penalty could be much higher if you’re charged with an assault that qualifies as a felony. Especially under these circumstances, connecting with a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as possible is critical to ensure the best possible outcome.
How Can Verity Criminal Defense Help?
Our attorneys understand that it takes unwavering persistence, dedication, and keen attention to detail in order to protect your rights and your future. An experienced attorney should work tirelessly toward getting your charges dismissed or reduced, which is exactly what our team is here to do for you.
With years of experience representing thousands of clients through our careers, we have detailed knowledge of the criminal justice system in almost every jurisdiction in Western Washington in municipal, district, and superior courts. At Verity Criminal Defense, we'll listen to and work with you to review your unique case and examine all the evidence, or lack thereof, to tailor a thoughtful and effective defense for you.
We’re Here for You—Call Now
Don't hesitate to reach out and speak with someone from our team at Verity Criminal Defense as soon as possible to discuss your investigation, charges, and the detailed circumstances of your case. The sooner we’re able to review all the evidence the better we’ll be able to work with and guide you through the legal process.
Contact us at anytime to speak with one of our experienced attorneys or request a free case review and someone from our skilled team will be in touch immediately.