When facing a criminal charge, finding the right defense attorney is crucial when creating a strong legal defense. Building a defense strategy can reduce or eliminate potential consequences such as jail time or fines and can keep criminal charges off your legal record.
Read MoreIf you are being charged with driving under the influence, finding the right defense attorney will help mitigate potential consequences. When choosing the right attorney to hire, there are a few considerations to take into account.
Read MoreWashington State has some of the harshest DUI penalties in the U.S. Even though it’s your first offense, you can still be subject to fines, license suspensions, ignition interlock devices, and other potential consequences.
Read MoreIf you or a loved one have been charged with any of the above, talking to an attorney who specializes in DUIs is an important first step in understanding the potential consequences and the options available to mitigate these consequences.
Read MoreFinding the best DUI lawyer for your particular case is critical. By assessing their expertise and experience (in your crime and location), getting your free case review, considering the costs from all relevant perspectives, and listening to your gut, you can at least make a decision that sets you up for success–whatever that looks like for your case.
Read MoreWashington State's DUI laws are similar in many respects to those of other states, but there are a four key differences that set them apart.
Read MoreIf you have found yourself under arrest or convicted of a DUI, finding the right attorney to help your case is crucial.
In Washington state, you must request a hearing within seven days of your arrest for a DUI. If you are unable to within the time allotment, your license will be suspended for 90 days up to 2 years depending on the severity or prior offenses.
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